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Top/Paige Jeans/Paige Boots/Stuart Weitzman Hat/Topshop

Pictures : Kate Robinson Photography

Toss The Hat! 

Have you ever had one of those days where your hair just won’t cooperate?

Or you’re frustrated because you see pictures of people with perfect hair, the look you want, but you have to hide behind a hat.

I have felt like that many times.

This week I was in California for the day to get my hair done..I know sounds crazy but when you love Natural Beaded Rows Hair extensions you will do whatever it takes.

As someone that has always naturally had curly thick hair, I have never really needed hair extensions.

However, over the past year I have experienced a lot of hair loss and Natural Beaded Rows became my solution.

Recently, I was at a class in Laguna Beach with Danielle from and I was the only stylist that wasn’t wearing NBR. I wanted to put Natural Beaded Rows hair extensions in my hair so I could experience the look and feel my clients were after.

I’ve Become Obsessed!

It has made styling my hair so much easier and added so much more fullness to my hair. Now, I don’t want to take them out lol.

My clients have had the same experience and have become hooked too. What an amazing opportunity to give them this gift!

If you are reading this post and have been interested in Natural Beaded Rows hair extensions, click on some of my before and after pictures or fill out my application.

I would Love to have you sit in my chair and have the hair you have always wanted…

My Before And After


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