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A couple of weeks ago I was in Huntington Beach, California for a BMS three day convention. First off, I want to say how amazing these two people are!! Words can not describe the amount of love, support, and energy they have put into creating the extension method, NBR. Not to mention, the mastermind education to support it.

With 170 other stylists, this was a first time convention to help teach and educate stylists on Natural Beaded Row extensions. What an honor it was to be apart of this tribe and to be able to help other stylists learn this method as well.

About four years ago, I came across Danielle White on Instagram. I began following her and was instantly drawn to her passion for extensions and her love for fashion. I had been looking for an extension method that would be able to give my clients natural looking extensions. I honestly had no idea at the time that coming to California for an extension class would open up so many doors AND change my life!

A year and half ago, Garrett White whom is Danielle’s husband stepped up and decided to take over her business. He created a business class for hair stylists. It was then, that myself and seven others stylists were picked to be apart of ‘Big Money Stylist.’ This experience has truly changed me as a person and a business owner. It has taught me more than just tactics in becoming successful, but how to believe in yourself all while having the confidence to dominate.

For 2017, I was picked as BMS stylist of the year!! WHAT?!? I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful, thankful, and honored I felt and still feel. This past year has been hard, there’s no doubt about that!! I have pushed and poured everything into growing my business. It is so amazing to see all of my hard word and dedication pay off!!!

I can’t wait to see what the next year holds for my business and the things that I will accomplish. The friendships I have made as well are beyond amazing! At this past BMS convention, I was able to see people I had not seen in years and others that I felt like I had known but had never actually met. The support system and love is beyond anything you can describe. I am so honored to be apart of this NBR tribe!! Want more information on Natural Beaded Rows extensions head over to   fill out my application and come sit in my chair .

